Требование к SCR и SNCR (DeNOx)

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Мониторинг DeNOx SCR и SNCR

For decades, coal has been the primary fuel used by power stations globally, despite its significant environmental impact. As environmental regulations in regions such as Europe, China, and India have become stricter, coal-fired power stations are facing increasing challenges and costs to comply with new emission limits. To meet these regulations, many power plants are turning to advanced technologies like Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) and Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR). These technologies are proven to significantly reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions, contributing to cleaner air and safer environments.

How SCR and SNCR Work

During the combustion process, nitrogen reacts with oxygen at high temperatures to form nitrogen oxides (NOx), which include nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). To meet stringent NOx emission limits, power plants implement DeNOx processes. These processes typically involve reacting nitrogen oxides in the flue gas with ammonia or urea at elevated temperatures. Ammonia or urea reacts with NO and NO2 to convert them into nitrogen (N2), water vapor (H2O), and, in the case of urea, carbon dioxide (CO2). SCR systems are commonly used in large coal-fired power stations, while SNCR is often deployed in smaller plants or those using Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) boilers to achieve similar reductions in NOx emissions.

The Environmental and Health Benefits of SCR and SNCR

By implementing SCR and SNCR technologies, combustion plants can significantly reduce NOx emissions, which in turn mitigates environmental issues such as smog, acid rain, and visibility reduction. NOx emissions are also a significant contributor to respiratory health problems, so reducing them is a key step in improving public health. These DeNOx technologies not only help power stations comply with ever-stricter environmental regulations, but they also support sustainable energy practices by reducing the environmental footprint of coal-fired power generation.

Что мы делаем?

Continuous monitoring is essential for managing SCR and SNCR systems effectively. To ensure these emissions control technologies are operating efficiently and meeting compliance standards, CODEL provides a comprehensive range of advanced products designed to monitor both input and output gases, as well as flow and dust emissions. CODEL’s cutting-edge monitoring solutions deliver accurate and reliable data, enabling operators to optimize SCR and SNCR system performance while minimizing environmental impact. With these state-of-the-art technologies, industries can maintain sustainable emissions control practices, improve operational efficiency, and stay compliant with environmental regulations.

Процесс SNCR
Процесс SCR

Подходящие продукты

DCEM2100 — это двухпроходной трансмиссометр, предназначенный для непрерывного измерения прозрачности и концентрации пыли в дымовых газах.

Прозрачность / Пыль

Уникальные мониторы расхода CODEL измеряют скорость дымовых газов с помощью высокоточного измерения времени полета, полученного на основе перекрестного корреляционного анализа инфракрасного излучения турбулентного газа.

Расход газа

Горячий пробоотборный многоканальный газоанализатор GCEM40E — это проверенный промышленностью непрерывный монитор выбросов CODEL для сложных условий эксплуатации.

CO, NOx, SO2, HCl, CH4, CO2 и H2O

Анализатор GCEM40 — это экономичный, не требующий обслуживания прибор, предназначенный как для управления технологическими процессами, так и для мониторинга выбросов.

CO, NOx, SO2, HCl, CH4, CO2 и H2O

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