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Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy

Policy Statement

Anti-slavery and Human Trafficking Policy at CODEL: 

This policy applies to all persons working for us or on our behalf in any capacity, including employees at all levels, directors, officers, agency workers, seconded workers, volunteers, agents, contractors, and suppliers. Therefore, it encompasses everyone involved in our operations, ensuring a comprehensive approach to combating modern slavery.

Additionally, Codel International strictly prohibits the use of modern slavery and human trafficking in our operations and supply chain. To this end, we are and will continue to be committed to implementing systems and controls aimed at ensuring that modern slavery does not take place anywhere within our organization or in any of our supply chains. Consequently, we expect that our suppliers will hold their own suppliers to the same high standards, creating a ripple effect throughout the entire supply chain to uphold ethical practices.


Modern slavery is a term used to encompass slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour, bonded and child labour and human trafficking.

Specifically, human trafficking occurs when a person arranges or facilitates the travel of another individual with the intention of exploiting them. As such, modern slavery is not only a crime but also a severe violation of fundamental human rights.

In our commitment to combat modern slavery, we as a company expect everyone working with us or on our behalf to support and uphold the following measures:
  • Firstly, the prevention, detection, and reporting of modern slavery within any part of our business or supply chains is the responsibility of all employees and individuals under the Company’s control.
  • Appropriate due diligence processes must be carried out in relation to modern slavery which may include considering human rights in a sector or country, the type of sector in which a service provider operates, the countries from which services are provided, the nature of relationships with suppliers, and the complexity of supply chain(s).
  • All supply chain lines need to be continually risk assessed and managed in relation to modern slavery and any high-risk suppliers audited. The Company’s standard procurement and contract documentation addresses anti-slavery and anti-trafficking.
  • The Company encourages anyone to raise any concerns about modern slavery, using its whistleblowing policy if necessary, and will support anyone who acts in good faith.
  • The Company’s recruitment policy and processes support efforts to combat modern slavery and human trafficking.
  • The Company will continue to develop its commitment to combat modern slavery and human trafficking and will outline such activities within its annual anti-slavery and anti-trafficking statement.

Any breaches of this policy may result in the Company taking disciplinary action against individual(s) and/or terminating its relationship with any organisation or supplier.