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Ambient Air Monitoring - Clean Air, Healthy Communities

Ambient air monitoring is the cornerstone of a healthy and sustainable future for our planet. Yet, in an increasingly industrialized and urbanized world, the quality of the air we breathe is constantly at risk. Ambient Air Monitoring, a practice involving the continuous assessment of air quality, has emerged as a powerful tool to safeguard the environment, shape environmental policies, improve public health, hold industries accountable, guide urban planning, and influence numerous other areas essential for our well-being.
Benefits the Environment

Shaping Environmental Policies
Urban Planning
Citizen Engagement
In conclusion, ambient air monitoring is an invaluable tool that is reshaping our world. From benefiting the environment and influencing policies to improving public health, holding industries accountable, aiding in urban planning, and contributing to various other areas, this technology is at the forefront of efforts to create a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future for all. As the world continues to evolve, air quality monitoring remains a critical asset in our quest for a better tomorrow.
The Polludrone is a fully integrated air quality monitor that delivers reference equivalent performance. Polludrone is a comprehensive solution to monitor all the critical ambient environmental parameters related to air quality, noise, odor, weather, radiation.
PM1, PM2.5, PM10, PM100 (TSP), CO2, CO, SO2, NO,
NO2, O3, H2S, Noise, Light, UV-Radiation, Temperature, Humidity
Dustroid is a Continuous Air Particulate Monitoring system to measure the concentration of dust particulates in the ambient air. The ambient dust monitor range is capable of monitoring various sizes of particulates.
PM1, PM2.5, PM10, PM100 (TSP),
Temperature, Humidity
The Odosense is an e-nose based odour monitoring system designed to monitor various odourful and toxic gases. Odosense continuously detects, measures, and monitors the odourful gaseous contaminants.
SO2, H2S, NH3, CH₃SH, TVOC, CH2O, NO₂, Cl₂, Temperature,Humidity